
  • Sri Aprilianti Idris politeknik bina husada kendari
  • Desih Welliam politeknik bina husada kendari
  • Citra Ayunis politeknik bina husada kendari



Jumlah koloni, bakteri, gigi tiruan, Colonies, Bacterial, Dentures



Penggunaan gigi tiruan yang lepas pasang dapat meningkatkan risiko pertumbuhan bakteri. Hal ini dikarenakan celah antara gigi tiruan dan gusi dapat menjadi tempat bagi bakteri untuk berkembang biak. Pengguna gigi tiruan disarankan untuk membersihkan dan merawat gigi tiruan mereka secara teratur dengan menyikat, membersihkan, dan merendam gigi tiruan dalam larutan pembersih yang direkomendasikan. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui jumlah koloni bakteri pada pengguna gigi tiruan (lepas pasang) Di BTN Dewi Bunga Poasia 2 kota Kendari. Metode Penelitian kualitatif dapat dipahami sebagai metode penelitian eksperimental. Hasil : Hasil penelitian pada perlakuan pertama pada setiap sampel yang menggunakan gigi tiruan dilakukan  isolasi sampel  pada media  NA  di  inkubasi  1  x  24  jam  pada  suhu  37℃,  tahap  kedua  dilakukan perhitungan jumlah koloni bakteri dengan menggunakan alat CFU, dan tahap ketiga dilakukan pewarnaan gram pada sampel ditemukan hasil bakteri gram positif. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan  bahwa  :  Pada  pengenceran  10-6  sampel  1  terdapat  258  koloni bakteri, sampel 2 terdapat 93 koloni bakteri, sampel 3 terdapat 71 koloni bakteri, sampel 4 terdapat 25 koloni bakteri, sampel 5 terdapat 19 koloni bakteri, sampel 6 terdapat 905 koloni bakteri, sampel 7 terdapat 700 koloni bakteri, sampel 8 terdapat 511 koloni bakteri, sampel 9 terdapat 407 bakteri, sampe 10 terdapat 291 bakteri.

Kata kunci: Jumlah koloni, bakteri, gigi tiruan


The use of removable dentures can increase the risk of bacterial growth. This is because the gap between the denture and the gums can be a place for bacteria to multiply. Denture wearers are advised to clean and care for their dentures regularly by brushing, cleaning, and soaking the dentures in the recommended cleaning solutions. Objective: To determine the number of bacterial colonies in denture users (removable) at BTN Dewi Bunga Poasia 2, Kendari city. Qualitative research methods can be understood as experimental research methods. Results: The results of the research in the first treatment for each sample using dentures were carried out by isolating the sample on NA media in 1 x 24 hour incubation at 37 ℃, the second stage was carried out by calculating the number of bacterial colonies using a CFU tool, and the third stage was carried out gram staining on the samples found gram positive bacteria. Conclusion: Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that: at dilution of 10-6, sample 1 contains 258 bacterial colonies, sample 2 contains 93 bacterial colonies, sample 3 contains 71 bacterial colonies, sample 4 contains 25 bacterial colonies, sample 5 contains 19 bacterial colonies, sample 6 contains 905 bacterial colonies, sample 7 contains 700 bacterial colonies, sample 8 contains 511 bacterial colonies, sample 9 contains 407 bacteria, sample 7 contains 10 there 291 bacteria.

Key words: Colonies, Bacterial, Dentures


