• Asriullah Jabbar Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu oleo
  • Sunandar Iksan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Andi Nurwati Rumah Sakit Jiwa Kendari
Keywords: evaluation of the quality of service, pharmacy service, inpatient Clinics


Evaluation of the quality of pharmacy service  is the process of performance appraisal kefarmasian services aimed at improving the quality of life patients. This research was conducted to evaluate the quality of pharmacy service across the inpatient Clinic in the town of Kendari based on permenkes on 74  with the parameters of the patient satisfaction, the dimension of time and availability as well as the implementation of the Operational Standards Procedure/SOP. This research is observational nature deksriptif cross sectional design. To assess the level of patient satisfaction questionnaire, the dimension of time service determination of the standard service used the dimension of time of service, and rate this SOP compare permenkes. The sample used  patient visit in inpatient Puskemas kendari based on the average visits in day in one period and a pharmacist/Assistant pharmacist on duty at the health centers. Default judgment quality of pharmacy service in Clinics that are used are Permenkes No. 44 in 2014 about management guidelines in healthers, with both categories namely > 90%, 80-90 >%, quite, and that category is less i.e. 80% <. The results of this study showed that the quality of service kefarmasian the entire inpatient Clinic in the town of Kendari categories less with percentage 72.44%. For each parameter is obtained that the parameters patient satisfaction level categories fairly (80.18%), parameters of the time dimension the service of the drug categories enough (80%) and standard service procedures  (SOP) category less (57.14%). Implementation of the kefarmasian service throughout clinics Kendari categories include less with percentage 52.30%.


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