• Eny Nurhikma Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Esti Badia Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Sri Yulia Ningsih Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari


Musca domestica are flies which is one of the mechanical vectors of various epidemic diseases. Various kinds of preparations used by the community to resist insects one of them with synthetic chemicals that cause many negative effects, so it needs to be carried out about insecticides derived from natural materials, one of them by using clove leaves contain chemical compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and essential oils.The experiment was conducted by experimental method, the sample was extracted by maceration was using 96% ethanol solvent. The extract produced was made by house repellent (Repellent) with concentration syzygium leaf extract of 20%, 30% and 40%, with formulas A, B, C, and control. The result of the burning aroma test gives the aroma of clove leaf extract at all three concentrations, melting point test obtained by melting point of 83-90oC which is not in accordance with the physical wax evaluation requirement according to SNI is 50-58oC, for testing the 20% burning time which has the most fuel Long time is 7 hours 2 minutes, on the axis location all concentration has the location of the axis rather to edges and on testing air bubbles all the concentrations contained bubbles of the air this is due to liquid wax temperature less than 40oC and the process of pouring wax too fast, while the effectiveness test Wax as a 40% concentration flies repellent that provides optimum effectiveness compared to concentrations of 20% and 30% with a 60% resistivity.


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