• Sri Hariati Dongge Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Konawe
Keywords: poisoning, PCC drug, psychiatric hospital, drug therapy


Poison can affect or even make dysfunction in the body that can lead to healthy status decrease an emergency situation. In Indonesia, the national poisoning cases caused by several kinds of causes, the latest data says that the dominant poisoning caused by drugs is banned, one of which is the phenomenon of PCC pills.PCC pill is a medicine containing the active substance carisoprodol, which is a drug that has a greater impact on drug abuse of the therapeutic effect. These substances have side effects of loss of balance, headaches excess until unstable heart rate, convulsions, and fainting, and may lead to death. Death can be avoided if treatment is not delayed and the appropriate treatment. This study aims to determine the containment procedures process of therapy due to drug intoxication PCC Mental Hospital in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted using a descriptive observational design with a retrospective method using medical record data of PCC drug poisoning patients in the Southeast Sulawesi Mental Hospital in 2017. Data were analyzed descriptively and translated into narrative form. Research shows that treatment of PCC drug poisoning therapy has been carried out in accordance with predetermined therapeutic standards. Poisoning therapy varies among patients such as the administration of anti-hacking drugs, antipsychosis, neurotropic, and additional other drugs such as antibiotics, vitamins, and electrolytes.


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